Take Care of Vegetarians on Game Day
If you’ve been following along with our blogs for any amount of time, chances are that you’ve seen our recipes and hopefully you’ve even tried one or two of them. What you may [...]
The Perfect Dish to Enjoy With a Football Game
Whether you root for the team in the city that’s closest to where you are or you have a childhood favorite that’s based in another city, the fact remains that football is a sport that [...]
Try a Burger That’s So Good It’s Scary
One of the sayings we love the most is that when you buy a propane tank, you unlock a world of culinary possibilities. For some, however, those “endless possibilities” actually do end at the same [...]
Halloween Themed Treats on the Grill
With Halloween right around the corner, there’s never been a better time to start thinking of spooky meals to enjoy with your kids. We’re not saying that you should rush out and dish up some [...]
Is It Still Okay to Grill a Steak in the Fall?
Here at Mighty Flame, we are huge fans of outdoor grilling. If you have been following along with our blog for any amount of time, you have probably seen the grilling tips, tricks, and recipes [...]
Ever Tried Grilled Pumpkin?
Here at Mighty Flame Propane Cylinder Exchange, we’ve been sharing a handful of our favorite fall recipes for people to enjoy on the grill. From grilled caramel apples to adding some simple fall [...]
Start This Weekend Off Right With a Tasty Fall Treat
Now that fall is in the air, we have been feeling compelled to write up a few recipes that allow people to use their grills to make some fall favorites. Just because cooler weather is [...]
A Few Reasons You Need a Propane Tank This Fall
At Mighty Flame, we’re pretty fond of the saying that “when you buy a propane tank, you unlock a world of culinary possibilities.” And you know, that’s absolutely true! Just because warm weather is on [...]
The Perfect Middle of the Week Meal
It’s the middle of the week and you’re feeling a little bit burnt out. Work is the same repetitive thing day in and day out and you feel like you have been digging your way [...]
Take Your Steak Up a Notch By Adding Some Fall Flavors
If you’ve been following along with our blogs for grilling tips, tricks, and recipes for any amount of time now, you are probably well aware of one of our favorite phrases--when you buy a propane [...]
Wondering What to Grill During Fall?
When fall rolls around, a number of people all across the United States put the cover on their grill and roll it into storage until spring or summer returns. That’s one tactic you could take, [...]
Grill Up Some Wings for the Big Game
We discussed in our previous blog that we believe that grilling isn’t something that should be reserved entirely for the summer. As a matter of fact, we think that fall is the perfect [...]