Healthy Grilling Made Easy
At Mighty Flame Propane Cylinder Exchange, we understand the need to do a bit of healthy grilling from time to time. In this day and age, eating healthy has never been easier. Perhaps best of [...]
A Few Tips for Perfect Grilled Shrimp
You know that Mighty Flame is your go-to source for grilling tips, tricks, recipes, and ideas, and after our previous blog about a few of our favorite grilled shrimp recipes, it got us thinking. Generally [...]
3 Grilled Shrimp Recipes We Think You Should Try
Wondering what to grill tonight? Need an easy food to grill after a long day at work? Looking for a few quick grilling ideas because you want to eat well, but you’re strapped for time? [...]
Now is a Great Time to Purchase a Propane Tank
With spring in full swing and summer just around the corner, people all across the country are gearing up to do some serious grilling! For many people out there, it’s been awhile since they’ve been [...]
3 Toppings to Try on Your Next Hot Dog (Part 3)
“Another blog about hot dog toppings?” Yes, friends and neighbors, you read the title right. In today’s post, we’d like to share three more of our favorite unique toppings to try on your next hot [...]
3 More Hot Dog Toppings You Have to Try
We know exactly what you’re thinking. “Wait, another post on hot dogs?” You’d better believe it! “But National Hot Dog Day isn’t until July…” That’s a fair point, but at Mighty Flame Propane Cylinder Exchange, [...]
3 Toppings You Have to Try on Your Next Hot Dog
If you’ve been following along with our blogs over the last couple of weeks, chances are that you have noticed that we’re on a bit of a hot dog kick right now. In recent blogs, [...]
Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich (Part Two)
It’s a question that has plagued mankind for centuries. It’s been the source of endless debate with neither side willing to give an inch. It’s ruined friendships and torn families apart. That’s why it’s so [...]
Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich?
If you haven’t seen our most recent blog yet, trust us when we say that it’s in your best interest to take a look. In it, we discuss one of the criminally underlooked foods that [...]
Wondering What to Grill Tonight? In Defense of the Hot Dog
If you’re wondering what to grill tonight and you’re coming up with a big old blank, then you’re in luck, because that just so happens to be the area where the team at Mighty Flame [...]
Create the Perfect Homemade Steak Rub for Grilling
If you’re checked out our blog in the past, chances are that you’ve noticed that we absolutely love sharing grilling tips, tricks, recipes, and ideas with our readers. One of those tips that you’ve probably [...]
New Grilling Ideas for Spring
In many parts of the country, the weather is starting to change slowly but surely. Temperatures are starting to creep upwards ever so slightly. We’re leaving our jackets behind in the morning because [...]