Grilling 101: Propane Grill Tips to Get You Started, Part Two
If you’re new to grilling, then you are in the right place, friend! As a matter of fact, you’ve somehow come across part two in our series that’s all about getting started on the right [...]
Grilling 101: Propane Grill Tips to Get You Started, Part One
If you’ve been following along with our last couple of blogs, you’ve probably noticed a bit of a trend taking shape. With grilling season just around the corner, now is the time that more and [...]
About to Buy Your First Grill?
At Mighty Flame Propane Cylinder Exchange, we believe that buying your first grill is a stepping stone to some of the best food you’ve ever had. The entire process can be a bit intimidating, however. [...]
How Many Grilling Accessories Do You Really Need?
If you’re just getting started with grilling--or if you are a new griller who is already looking forward to grilling season--and you’re looking for a few tips to get you started off on the right [...]
Barbecue Some Barbacoa
Whether you’re making tacos, burrito bowls, or just want to make up a batch of delicious tasting meat, it’s hard to go wrong with barbacoa. The team at Mighty Flame Propane Cylinder Exchange believes that [...]
3 Reasons You Need a Cover For Your Grill
If you’re relatively new to grilling, chances are that you decided to pick out a grill, buy a propane tank, and master the art of the backyard barbecue. Finding a new hobby that you can [...]
Propane Grilling Tips for Beginners
With peak grilling season right around the corner, more people than ever are about to take up grilling for the first time ever. And now’s a good time to do it! Many stores are still [...]
Try Meatballs on the Grill to Spice Things Up a Bit
We grill burgers and brats, chickens and steaks. One thing you don’t hear about all that often is grilled meatballs. At Mighty Flame, we say that when you buy a propane tank, you unlock a [...]
Branch Out With Grilled Chicken Yakitori
If you’ve been following along with our blog for any amount of time you have probably noticed that we’re big fans of the classics. Burgers, brats, steaks, grilled chicken. There are plenty of things to [...]
3 More Appetizers to Try on the Grill
In our last blog, we discussed a few of our favorite grilled appetizers. You see, at Mighty Flame Propane Cylinder Exchange, we believe that when you buy a propane tank, you unlock a world of [...]
3 Appetizers to Try on the Grill
Even the most accomplished grillers can sometimes come up with a case of “griller’s block.” What is that, you ask? Great question. To put it simply, it’s when you have grilled so much that you [...]
Plan the Perfect Valentine’s Day Dinner At Home
With the most romantic holiday of the year right around the corner, people all across the country are trying to figure out what they can do for their special someone. For some, buying a dozen [...]