Here at Mighty Flame, we know that you use our propane cylinders for a number of reasons. Whether that’s to heat a hot tub or power an outdoor patio heater, we’re proud to supply you with fresh, reliable propane from one of our propane cylinder exchange locations.

Propane, for many people, is used to help them get food on the table at night. We know what you’re thinking and yes, it is winter right now. But for much of the country, we’ve been experiencing unseasonably warm weather (and even if it’s not warm where you are and you’re dealing with snow, take a look at this post for a few tips on grilling even when there’s snow on the ground).

If you’ve been following along with our blog for the last few days, you’ve probably noticed our series about grilling for absolute beginners. In it, we provided our readers with recipes that were specifically designed to cater to those who are grilling for the first time thanks to their ingredient lists that are comprised of easy-to-find ingredients and simple instructions.

In today’s blog, however, we want to provide our readers with something a little different. Keep reading to learn a few of our best unique burger recipes, compliments of the propane cylinder exchange experts at Mighty Flame!

Burger Ideas from Mighty Flame Propane Cylinder Exchange

The Breakfast Burger

Start with a nice lean ground beef cooked to your preferred level of done-ness. In the meantime, create a tin foil packet and cook yourself up some frozen hash browns. Splash with oil, red pepper flakes, and pepper. Cook over high heat until crispy, then set over indirect heat to keep things warm and top with grated cheddar cheese.

When your burger’s almost finished, slice a glazed donut in half and set it cut side down on the grill. Once things are nice and gooey, combine your glazed donut bun, your burger, and your cheesy hash browns into a delicious burger that combines sweet and savory into one monster of a breakfast burger.

If you choose, you can also top with a fried egg, bacon, or sliced ham to create your own unique take on the breakfast burger!

Grilled Cheese Cheeseburger

It all starts with the perfect grilled grilled cheese (if you need help with the grilled cheese, refer to this post for our recipe. Make yourself two grilled cheeses, then cook a burger to your desired level of done-ness. The grilled cheese sandwiches act as your buns. Serve with fries or tater tots!

The Cream Cheeseburger

For this recipe, once again, cook your burger however is best for you. In the meantime, brush some melted butter on the insides of a brioche bun and set on the grill to warm. When your burger is done and your buns are warm, spread cream cheese on the top bun. Serve immediately. It’s as simple as that.

It All Starts With a Fresh Propane Tank

Each of these recipes is the perfect way to add new life to your burger recipe to spice things up and make them fresh again. If you’re in the mood for something a little different, give one of these recipes a try!

Out of propane? Not to worry! We’ve put together a map of Mighty Flame propane cylinder exchange locations. That means a great dinner is never too far away, so whether you try one of these out-of-the-box recipes or create one of your own (which we’d love to hear about in the comments, by the way), you and your family are sure to be saying, “Mmm! That is a tasty burger!”