Grillers everywhere agree that steak is one of the best foods on the planet. For many, having steaks is a weekly meal in the summer. There’s something that just feels right about coming home at the end of a tough day and throwing a steak on the grill before settling down for the evening.

Whether you’re having steak for dinner tonight or this weekend, you’ll want to be prepared. That means you may need to buy a propane tank and grab a few ingredients from the store. But what do you need to grab? Today’s blog can help. Once that’s settled, you’ll be in for a meal that is sure to leave you smiling and satisfied.

Try These Sides With Your Next Steak

Baked Sweet Potato

Steak and baked potatoes go together like…well, like steak and baked potatoes. It’s one of those combinations that just makes sense! They pair together perfectly and provide a satisfying flavor that’s hard to beat. Sometimes you just need to mix things up a bit though.

One of the best spins on this classic combination is by substituting your regular potato for a potato of the sweet variety. Whether you change the flavor up a lot by adding brown sugar to the top or keep the recipe the same and just enjoy the extra sweetness that a yam provides, we think you’ll agree that a baked sweet potato is the perfect way to put a little twist on a favorite dish.

Grilled Corn on the Cob

For whatever reason, corn on the cob is often seen as a side dish for burgers and brats. We’re not calling that into question or anything. After all, it’s a pretty ideal combination! What you don’t see quite as often is corn on the cob and steak.

We think that ought to change. You could, of course, use your traditional grilling method and toss on a bit of salt and butter at the end. You could also shave the kernels of corn off and top them with pepper, garlic powder, and hot sauce. You could even whip up a salsa of your own making and use grilled corn as the main ingredient, then use that to top your steak and give it a zesty flavor. The possibilities are endless and a bit of creativity goes a long way.

Veggie Kabobs

Speaking of creativity, steak and kabobs are another great pair. While you could cut your steak into pieces and make complete kabobs, you could also grill your steaks up normally (if you need tips and tricks on how to do that, take a look at our blog archive page for our suggestions) and serve kabobs separately.

So what should you put on your kabobs? Great question. The answer is that it’s entirely up to you. What sounds good tonight? Use that! The possibilities are pretty much endless and you could craft yourself something complex and interesting or stick with the classics.

If you’re asking for our personal recommendation, we’d say that mushrooms make for pretty wonderful kabobs that you’re probably not having on a regular basis. Combine mushrooms with chunks of bell pepper and onion, marinate with a bit of olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic powder and you are off to the races. The end result, of course, is a kabob that pairs wonderfully with pretty much any kind of steak you could want.

What Did We Miss?

Those are just a few of our slightly non-traditional favorites, but we probably missed a few that you think deserve to be on this list. Or perhaps none of those sound quite right. What’s a griller to do? It’s simpler than you might think. There are a number of incredible recipes out there, so all you need to do is brainstorm one ingredient that you think would complement your steak and search until you find the right recipe. Sounds pretty good to us!

No matter what you’re hoping to get out of your steak dinner, we believe that with a little bit of love, a little bit of passion, and a little bit of propane, you’ll be making some truly incredible food. Looking for more tips and tricks like this? Be sure to stay tuned to our blog. Until next time!